Criminal Liability and Measures for Sport Manipulation 인문·사회과학편 : 스포츠 승부조작의 형사책임과 형사법적 대책
문화실HwaSilMoon , 박영진YungJinPark
51(3) 1-16, 2012
Criminal Liability and Measures for Sport Manipulation 인문·사회과학편 : 스포츠 승부조작의 형사책임과 형사법적 대책
문화실HwaSilMoon , 박영진YungJinPark
Recent consecutive cases of sport manipulation in K-league in 2011, professional baseball league and V-league in 2012 are making an massive impact on sport society as well as general society. The purpose of this study is to analyse these sport manipulation cases, examine criminal liability and causes for them and find measures to eradicate them in criminal aspects. Sport manipulation shall be punished by the Criminal law. Especially, manipulation of some sports on which lottery can be issued is an obvious crime which shall be punished by the National Sport Promotion Act, Korea Racing Authority Act and Bicycle and Boat Racing Act and so on. However, sport manipulation is very prevalent due to illegal websites for sport gambling, a loophole of relating law and system, and deficiency of sport ethics. The Government as well as non-governmental sport agencies have realized this problem and implemented several measures such as amending the National Sport Promotion Act, strengthening education to athletes. Although the result of these measures is anticipated to some degree, further amendment of the National Sport Promotion Act or other relating law is necessary such as depriving of illegal prize of a lottery which is obtained by sport manipulation. Furthermore, more thorough crack down by the Government on illegal websites for sport gambling which is a epicenter for sport manipulation should be continuously executed.
Key Words
Sport crime, sport manipulation, criminal liability, National Sport Promotion Act
Disciplinary Power and the Elite Sport About Sport Community: Focused on Foucault`s Theory of Disciplinary Power 인문·사회과학편 : 엘리트스포츠에서 규율권력과 운동선수사회: 푸코의 규율권력 이론을 중심으로
51(3) 17-23, 2012
Disciplinary Power and the Elite Sport About Sport Community: Focused on Foucault`s Theory of Disciplinary Power 인문·사회과학편 : 엘리트스포츠에서 규율권력과 운동선수사회: 푸코의 규율권력 이론을 중심으로
This study attempts a new interpretation on the power and discipline within the athlete society in regards to elite sport focused on the discussion on Foucault's disciplinary power. The power in athlete society is not an independent entity, but is composed of various components, works in relation, and appears as series of flows in the form of interaction rather than one-sided flow such as force or oppression. Also disciplinary power requires a stable and trained body with order, time, inner conditions as well as other components. And Power is productive. Ethical problems caused by such correlation of disciplinary power are obsession of the audience on money and the result over the sport itself, and twisted desire of athletes as a compensation for 'alienation'. These problems are causing the athlete society to break down. The need for a system to control and eradicate these problems structurally is a matter of urgency. However, the effort to cultivate a moral view which enables each member of athlete society to actively deal with problems are needed more than supervision and discipline.
Key Words
Foucault, elite sport, athlete society, disciplinary power, ethical problem
A Theoretical Critics and Practical Introspection on the Sporting Body: an Approach of Anthropological Postmodernism 인문·사회과학편 : 운동하는 몸의 이론적 비판과 실천적 성찰: 인류학적 포스트모더니즘의 접근
51(3) 25-37, 2012
A Theoretical Critics and Practical Introspection on the Sporting Body: an Approach of Anthropological Postmodernism 인문·사회과학편 : 운동하는 몸의 이론적 비판과 실천적 성찰: 인류학적 포스트모더니즘의 접근
The purpose of this study was to criticize the theories of sporting body and to propose alternative perspective of body studies with postmodernism in anthropology. That was to say theories limitation on sporting body was to stay a solitary body which was not considering the historical and social context of body understanding. It could not explain that human as a cultural being was not divided from the context considering body. It was called the crisis of representation on sport culture or sporting body in this study. As alternative for overcoming this problem we studied as reflective with postmodernism in anthropology. This effort will be contribute to expand the horizon of Korean culture studies and to get over a gap between theory and practice on the studies of sport culture.
Key Words
Sporting “body”, post-structualim, practical introspection, postmodernism in anthropology, representative crisis
A Grounded Theory Approach toward Female Soccer Players Gender Identity Conflict 인문·사회과학편 : 여자축구선수들의 성 정체성 갈등에 관한 근거이론적 접근
권기남KilNamKwon , 권순용SunYongKwon
51(3) 39-51, 2012
A Grounded Theory Approach toward Female Soccer Players Gender Identity Conflict 인문·사회과학편 : 여자축구선수들의 성 정체성 갈등에 관한 근거이론적 접근
권기남KilNamKwon , 권순용SunYongKwon
The purpose of this study is to inquire the process of female soccer players experiencing gender identity conflict by using the grounded theory method as a basis to suggest a concept of this experience. In this study, 8 female soccer players who experienced gender identity conflict were selected as research participants. Date were collected by in-depth interview. As a result of analyzing the collected data, the central phenomenon showed gender conflict which brought out confusion in casual conditions toward the sex role identity. This type of casual conditions can be reflected on masculine tendencies, gender stereotypes, double entendre, and absence in sex education and counseling according to contextual conditions. Also to help find solutions for the participants, advice of significant others from intervening conditions were put into practice as well as intersectional strategies which provided active solutions, passive solutions, and hopeful thinking. As a result, understanding the requirements as both female and athlete, the participants found solutions for their conflict by building a stronger sex role identity.
Key Words
Female soccer players, gender identity conflict, grounded theory, sex role identity
The Relationship of Social Support, Leisure Satisfaction, Psychological Happiness and Participatory Behavior of the Elderly Participation in Swimming Activities 인문·사회과학편 : 수영참가 노인들의 사회적지지, 여가만족, 심리적 행복감 및 참여행동의 관계
51(3) 53-62, 2012
The Relationship of Social Support, Leisure Satisfaction, Psychological Happiness and Participatory Behavior of the Elderly Participation in Swimming Activities 인문·사회과학편 : 수영참가 노인들의 사회적지지, 여가만족, 심리적 행복감 및 참여행동의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the causal relationship of social support, leisure satisfaction, psychological happiness and participatory behavior of the elderly participation in swimming. In this study, the significance of leisure satisfaction and psychological happiness was looked into in relation to the influence of old persons' social support upon participation. Study subjects were domestic old persons 436 elderly swimming participants of 65 years of age and above who were active in the activity were sampled from 20 indoor swimming pools in Seoul and the capital area. They were sampled with the convenience sampling method. Collected data were statistically processed with the SPSS15.0 and the Amos 7.0 and such analytic techniques as confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, frequency analysis, descriptive analysis and structural equation model(SEM) were used to analyze data. Study findings are as follows: Elderly swimming participants' had significant influence upon social support, leisure satisfaction, participatory behavior and psychological happiness.
Key Words
Elderly participants, swimming activities, social support, leisure satisfaction, psychological happiness
The Experience Process of the Student-athletes existing in the Changing Exercise-culture 인문·사회과학편 : 변화하는 운동문화에 존재하는 학생선수의 경험과정
51(3) 63-77, 2012
The Experience Process of the Student-athletes existing in the Changing Exercise-culture 인문·사회과학편 : 변화하는 운동문화에 존재하는 학생선수의 경험과정
This study was intended to make an in-depth investigation of the experiential process of college student athletes serving as national athlete in a transitional situation that a new sports culture is formed, based on the method of the grounded theory. For this purpose, it selected six study participants majoring in rhythmic gymnastics belonging to the department of physical education in 'A' University. Data were collected through the in-depth interview with them. For data analysis, the coding paradigm were constructed to elicit the concept according to the analytical method of the grounded theory presented by Strauss & Corbin(1990) and identify the relationship between concepts. As a result, the following findings were obtained: First, 88 concepts, 18 subcategories and 9 superordinate categories were elicited from the open coding. Second, an attempt was made to investigate the experiential process of student athletes existing in the changing sports culture based on the axial coding paradigm model of the grounded theory. As a result, the following matters were found: ‘conflict’ as the causal situation, ‘burden on the current operation of academic affairs and the training system’ as the contextual situation; ‘worry about life as student athlete and national athlete’ as the central phenomenon; the ‘creation of the positive conditions and the retention and reinforcement of the negative environment’ as a conciliatory situation; ‘active effort, passive effort, reality refusal and negative thinking as the strategy of action/interaction’; ‘the enjoyment of a significant life as the student athlete and the continuance of a meaningless life as athlete as result’; and the like. Third, the ‘establishment of identity as student athlete’ was elicited as the core category by choice coding.
Key Words
Student-athletes, athletes, exercise-culture, grounded theory
Spectator`s Value Cognition and Expected-benefit Factors on Professional Baseball Sportstar 인문·사회과학편 : 프로야구 스포츠스타에 대한 관람자의 가치인식과 추구혜택
이종영JongYoungLee , 고정희KoJungHe
51(3) 79-88, 2012
Spectator`s Value Cognition and Expected-benefit Factors on Professional Baseball Sportstar 인문·사회과학편 : 프로야구 스포츠스타에 대한 관람자의 가치인식과 추구혜택
이종영JongYoungLee , 고정희KoJungHe
The purpose of this study was to find spectator's value cognition and expected-benefit factors on professional baseball sportstar. Purposeful Sampling method was used to select among fan club leaders and people who had watched baseball games over ten years 8 informants who watched more than 4 times in 6 baseball games in 2011 Lotte Card Professional Baseball League. Data collection relies on focus group interviews and in-depth interviews. Text analysis was attempted to adopt the A-R-C needs theory proposed by Thomson(2006) for spectator's value cognition and the metaphors for consuming by Holt(1995) for expected-benefit factors. The research summary is as follow: Spectator's value cognition on professional baseball sportstar were an object of entertainment-oriented value, a major figure for social relationship-oriented and an object of identical. Spectator's expected-benefit factors on professional baseball sports tar were confirmation of values and heroic orientation. Meanwhile, spectator who had entertainment-oriented value cognition on professional baseball sportstar expect heroic orientation, who recognize professional baseball sportstar a major figure for social relationship-oriented and an object of identical pursue confirmation of values.
Key Words
Professional baseball stportstar, spectator, value cognition, expected-benefit factors
Development of Failure Attribution Scale for Taekwondo Instructor 인문·사회과학편 : 태권도 도장 지도자의 실패귀인 측정도구 개발
김재우JaeWooKim , 이지훈JiHoonLee
51(3) 89-102, 2012
Development of Failure Attribution Scale for Taekwondo Instructor 인문·사회과학편 : 태권도 도장 지도자의 실패귀인 측정도구 개발
김재우JaeWooKim , 이지훈JiHoonLee
The purpose of this study is to develop a failure attribution scale of Taekwondo instructor. In order to attain the purpose of the study, the factors which formed the failure attribution of Taekwondo instructor were collected and an inductive content analysis was executed through conducting an interview and open survey, based on such generalized the failure attribution, the questions were developed, and the failure attribution scale was finally developed through the internal structure review phase and the external relation review phase by conducting the questionnaire survey for 1,560 Taekwondo instructors. First inductive analysis was used to categorize law data and deductive analysis was used by SPSS 18.0 for Windows & LISREL 8.80 such as descriptive analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability, ANOVA and correlation analysis. As the result, First, the failure attribution was generalized with the lack of coaching ability, the lack of internal factor, the lack of effort, the lack of coaching program, the lack of personality education, the lack of relationship & concern, and poor instructor’s circumstances & environment. Second, the failure attribution is appropriate in the Taekwondo instructor’s failure attribution scale. Third, the external criteria are proper in the Taekwondo instructor’s failure attribution scale. Accordingly, the failure attribution scale of Taekwondo instructor generalized in this study was composed of 33 questions of 7 failure attribution factors. Also, it was confirmed that it could be applicable in the field.
Key Words
Failure attribution, Taekwondo instructor
The Effect of Argentine Tango on the Physical Balance Capacity and Depression in the Elderly 인문·사회과학편 : 아르헨티나 탱고(Argentine Tango)가 노인의 신체 균형능력 및 우울증에 미치는 영향
한아영AYoungHan , 김상국SangKookKim
51(3) 103-115, 2012
The Effect of Argentine Tango on the Physical Balance Capacity and Depression in the Elderly 인문·사회과학편 : 아르헨티나 탱고(Argentine Tango)가 노인의 신체 균형능력 및 우울증에 미치는 영향
한아영AYoungHan , 김상국SangKookKim
This study has an implication for raising a question on the prevention of falls and depression, which have been threatening the health of the elderly, and emerging as an issue in their severity within the society, as the aging population rapidly increases. To investigate the effect of Argentine tango on the physical balance capacity and depression of the elderly, a nonequivalent control group design for the three groups was conducted(Tango: n=23, line dance: n=19, non-participating physical activity: n=18). The programs for tango and line dance were carried out by the researcher for 60minutes/1time, 3times a week for 11weeks, and all the subjects' physical balance capacity (static/dynamic balance capacity, leg strength) and depression-related factors (depression, self-esteem) were repeatedly measured prior and after the programs, respectively. The conclusions are as follow: First, the experimental group who participated in the Argentine tango showed a statistically significant improvement in their dynamic/static balance and leg strength(p<.05) compared to the two control groups. Second, in the experimental group who participated in the Argentine tango, the level of depression decreased significantly compared to the control groups, which included the line dance group and non-participating group(p<.01). Third, there was a significant negative correlation among physical balance capacity and depression of the elderly(p<.05).
The Study of Sensory-motor Adaptation with the Parkinson`s disease during the Prism Adaptation with Visual Feedback 인문·사회과학편 : 프리즘 적응 과제 중 시각 피드백에 따른 파킨슨씨병 환자들의 감각-운동 적응에 관한 연구
51(3) 117-127, 2012
The Study of Sensory-motor Adaptation with the Parkinson`s disease during the Prism Adaptation with Visual Feedback 인문·사회과학편 : 프리즘 적응 과제 중 시각 피드백에 따른 파킨슨씨병 환자들의 감각-운동 적응에 관한 연구
The aim of this study was to confirm the suggested roles of the basal ganglia related with sensory-motor adaptation during the prism adaptation and there were two different ways to give the participations visual feedback. The first one is concurrent visual feedback condition and the other is terminal visual feedback condition that were introduced while the Parkinson's disease(PD) performed the prism adaptation tasks. The results showed that, in the both visual feedback conditions, the adaptation rate during the prism-on and off periods were not significantly different betweent the groups. However, in the concurrent visual feedback condition, the aftereffects of total and proprioceptive shifts were significantly smaller than the control group, and the aftereffect of visual shift, in the terminal visual feedback condition, was significantly larger than the control group. PD has a known issue that is hard to keep the ability of adaptation by motor learning. That could be a reason why the different results came out in the different visual feedback conditions.
Pre-service Teachers` Identity Development as Physical Education Teacher in an Elementary Physical Education Methods Course 인문·사회과학편 : 초등 예비교사의 체육교사로서의 정체성 발달을 위한 교사교육
조기희KiHeeJo , 이옥선OkSeonLee
51(3) 129-142, 2012
Pre-service Teachers` Identity Development as Physical Education Teacher in an Elementary Physical Education Methods Course 인문·사회과학편 : 초등 예비교사의 체육교사로서의 정체성 발달을 위한 교사교육
조기희KiHeeJo , 이옥선OkSeonLee
The purpose of this study was to examine pre-service elementary teachers’ identity development in an elementary PE methods course which was designed to facilitate teacher identity development. Findings revealed that teacher candidates’ initial identities were characterized as: (a) ambiguous self, (b) feared self, (c) non-teaching self, and (d) avoiding teaching self. Findings showed that a methods course designed with a specific focus to develop identity can be helpful for pre-service teachers to teach PE by facilitating identity changes: (a) from noneducational to educational lens, (b) from how to play well to how to teach well, (c) from being inactive to being active, (d) from reckless to cautious confidence. Teacher education program experiences such as teaching and learning in the community of practice, reflective writing, direct elementary PE experience, indirect elementary PE experience, and teacher educator's modeling behaviors were turned out to be important components in teacher identity development.
Key Words
Identity, elementary teacher, learning to teach
Application of TSP Program for Resolving Conflict in Elementary Physical Education Class 인문·사회과학편 : 초등체육수업의 갈등 해결을 위한 TSP프로그램 적용 가능성
배종희JongHeeBae , 이안수AnSuLee
51(3) 143-156, 2012
Application of TSP Program for Resolving Conflict in Elementary Physical Education Class 인문·사회과학편 : 초등체육수업의 갈등 해결을 위한 TSP프로그램 적용 가능성
배종희JongHeeBae , 이안수AnSuLee
The purposes of this study were to investigate the types of conflicts and ways that the conflicts were expressed, and the possible application of the TSP(teaching students to be peacemakers) program in elementary physical education class. Participants consisted of fifth grade students (117 male, 109 female) in elementary school located in C city. For 4 months, data was collected through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The collected data was analyzed by process of transcription, coding, and theme formation. Also, in order to enhance the validity of the data collection, triangulation, peer debriefing, and member check techniques were used. The brief findings of the study were as follows: First, conflicts in group activity were divided into two: conflicts with a team member and an opposing team member. Second, conflicts of individual activity were divided into the participants' physical environment and the lack of communication skills. Third, negative actions, such as alienation, violence, and harsh verbal communication, changed to non-violent behavior. Examples of these behaviors were reflection, concession, understanding, mediation, but also unconcern and avoidance. Based on these findings, attention should be given to the use of the TSP program for resolving conflicts in physical education. The results of the program will give useful information to teachers who are interested in resolving conflicts in their classes.
Key Words
Elementary physical education class, conflict, conflict resolution, TSP program
The Educational Directions and Tasks for Learning Competency of Students-athletes 인문·사회과학편 : 학생 선수의 학습 역량 계발을 위한 교육 방향과 과제
51(3) 157-169, 2012
The Educational Directions and Tasks for Learning Competency of Students-athletes 인문·사회과학편 : 학생 선수의 학습 역량 계발을 위한 교육 방향과 과제
Recently, several policies in school physical education are being implemented to facilitate students’ participation in physical activities and student athletes’ learning. Among them, ‘minimum academic achievement’ has been produced meaningful outputs such as the improvement of students athletes’ academics and the recovery of their identities as students. However, there still exist critiques and disagreements towards this policy in school physical education community. This various discourse regarding to this policy is constructive, but the perspectives toward these most discourses are lean to sociology, not educational backgrounds even if students athletes are students themselves. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to address the necessity of paradigm co-evolution after the educational limitations of this polity are discovered and to suggest educational directions and tasks that are inevitable for developing learning competency of students athletes.
A Study on the Influence of the Marketing Strategy Factor at Golf Courses in Jeonnam Area on Perceived Values and Customers` Behaviors 인문·사회과학편 : 전라남도 골프장의 마케팅전략 요인이 지각된 가치와 소비자 행동에 미치는 영향
51(3) 171-181, 2012
A Study on the Influence of the Marketing Strategy Factor at Golf Courses in Jeonnam Area on Perceived Values and Customers` Behaviors 인문·사회과학편 : 전라남도 골프장의 마케팅전략 요인이 지각된 가치와 소비자 행동에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the marketing strategy at golf courses in Jeonnam area on perceived values and customers' behaviors. To make this goal, the study was selected it as the population to customers who were the member of 10 golf courses run by membership and public system. The study, then, selects 366 by convenience sampling. The study was analyzed the data by frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, and simple and multiple regression analysis. The results are as follows. First, it has a meaningful influence on perceived value to the factors of product, price and place which are the component of marketing strategy in golf courses. Second, it has a meaningful influence on revisiting intention, one of the customers' behaviors, to the factors of product, price and promotion which are the component of marketing strategy in golf courses; but the factor of place has no influence on it. Third, the factors of product and price, the component of marketing strategy have a meaningful influence on the intention of recommending others which is one of customers' behaviors while the factors of promotion and place don't have. Finally, the factor of perceived value has a meaningful influence on both of the intention of revisit and recommendation to others which are customers' behaviors.
A Study on Relationships among the Purchase Decision Factors, Brand Images, Intent for Word of Mouth and Repurchase Intention of Teenagers for Outdoor Brand Apparels 인문·사회과학편 : 청소년의 아웃도어 의류 브랜드 구매 결정 요인이 브랜드 이미지와 구전 의도 및 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향
A Study on Relationships among the Purchase Decision Factors, Brand Images, Intent for Word of Mouth and Repurchase Intention of Teenagers for Outdoor Brand Apparels 인문·사회과학편 : 청소년의 아웃도어 의류 브랜드 구매 결정 요인이 브랜드 이미지와 구전 의도 및 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향
The primary purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among the purchase decision factors, brand Images, Intent for word of mouth and repurchase intention of teenagers for outdoor brand apparels. To accomplish the purpose, SPSS 18.0 Ver., had been conducted with 350 actual returned questionnaires. After the relevant literature reviews and analysis statistic data, three outcomes were deducted, those are, first, purchase decision factors for outdoor apparel of teenagers significantly influenced on brand image. Second, brand image significantly influenced on the word of mouth. Last, brand image significantly influenced on the repurchase intention. With this study, undiscovered several marketing strategies of outdoor apparel brands marketers for their future marketing strategies could be discussed and proposed.
Key Words
Fat, Teenagers, Outdoor, apparels, purchase decision factors, brand images, intent for word of mouth, repurchase intention
The Relationships among Brand Equity, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Attitude, and Intention to Stay in Sport Event 인문·사회과학편 : 스포츠이벤트 브랜드자산과 고객만족, 브랜드태도, 지속참여의 관계
51(3) 193-206, 2012
The Relationships among Brand Equity, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Attitude, and Intention to Stay in Sport Event 인문·사회과학편 : 스포츠이벤트 브랜드자산과 고객만족, 브랜드태도, 지속참여의 관계
The purpose of this study was to provide managerial implications for being a successful Chung-ju World Martial Arts Festival. To meet this aim, this study examined the various relations among brand equity and attitude, attendees’ satisfaction, and future intention to visit. Samples were 315 attendees in the 2011 Festival. Collected data were first analyzed by exploratory factor analysis then proposed conceptual framework was tested via confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results were as follows: First, brand awareness had a significant effect on attendees’ satisfaction and their brand attitude. Second, brand image had a significant effect on attendees’ satisfaction and their brand attitude as well. Third, attendees’ satisfaction was found to be significant for their brand attitude. No significant relations were found between brand attitude and future intention to visit. Lastly, brand attitude significantly influenced on future intention to stay.
The Influence of the Design Constituent of Golf Facilities and the Customer Service Encounter on the Customer Satisfaction and His Behavior After Purchase 인문·사회과학편 : 골프장 시설 디자인 구성요소와 고객접점서비스가 고객만족과 구매 후 행동에 미치는 영향
김경현KyoungHyunKim , 전호문HoMoonJun
51(3) 207-217, 2012
The Influence of the Design Constituent of Golf Facilities and the Customer Service Encounter on the Customer Satisfaction and His Behavior After Purchase 인문·사회과학편 : 골프장 시설 디자인 구성요소와 고객접점서비스가 고객만족과 구매 후 행동에 미치는 영향
김경현KyoungHyunKim , 전호문HoMoonJun
This study has its purpose on figuring out the influence of the design constitute of golf facilities and the Customer service encounter on the customer's satisfaction and his behavior after purchase. The study selects the customers who are members only, located in Gwangju and Jeonnam region. The study, then, selects 373 questionaries by convenience sampling. The study analyzes the data by frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and simple and multiple regression analysis. The results are as follows. First, it has a meaningful influence on the customer satisfaction to the factors of symbolism, moving trace, independence, and symmetry which are the design constituents of golf facilities. Second, it has a meaningful influence on the intention of recommendation to the others, the representative behavior after purchase, to the factors of symbolism, moving trace, independence, and symmetry which are the design constituent of golf facilities. In addition, it is a meaningful influence on the intention of revisit to the factors of symbolism, safety, independence, and symmetry. Third, Customer service encounter like the factors of the performing and attentive ability make an influence on the customer satisfaction. Fourth, Customer service encounter like the factors of the performing ability, the effectiveness, and the attentive ability have a meaningful influence on the intention of recommendation to the others. Besides, the factors of enthusiasm, the performing and attentive ability have a meaningful influence on the intention of revisit. Finally, the customer satisfaction has a meaningful influence both on the intention of recommendation to the others and the intention of revisit.
Key Words
Design Constituent of Golf Facilities, customer service encounter, customer satisfaction, behavior after purchase
Case Study of the Organization, Major Business and Operations Management of the World Kuk Sool Association (WKSA) 인문·사회과학편 : 세계국술협회(WKSA)의 주요업무 및 조직 운영관리 사례 연구
공시영SiYoungKong , 윤양진YangJinYoon
51(3) 219-228, 2012
Case Study of the Organization, Major Business and Operations Management of the World Kuk Sool Association (WKSA) 인문·사회과학편 : 세계국술협회(WKSA)의 주요업무 및 조직 운영관리 사례 연구
공시영SiYoungKong , 윤양진YangJinYoon
The purpose of this study has examined the factors of Kuk Sool being able to root itself in the U.S. results of the management system of WKSA. In order to closely examine these factors, this study has collected the data about WKSA including photographs, previous research, documentation, such as broadcasting and the press release, and other paper documentation and also collected the in-depth interview data from 14 study participants from 1974 when it first entered the U.S. market to 2011. The following results were derived through the analysis of the research methods and research results .First, he was able to unify techniques and produce local leaders and through workshops, he was personally managing the gymasiums of Kuk Sool. Secondly, through tournaments that are being held all over the world, while learning skills, it also became a place to promote Korean traditional culture and martial arts. Additionally, it appeared that the competition was operated through using volunteers. Thirdly, through picky promotion exams, it is producing tough future leaders who are not failing in fighting oneself. Fourthly, by creating the Gaya Won, he was supplying standardized mass production of their own uniforms and training supplies. Fifth, the organization had been operating as a franchise operation management.
Key Words
World Kuk Sool Association: WKSA, system, In Hyuk Suh, Gaya Won
Effects of Motivation for Using SBS` Golf Channel on Brand Image and Channel Royalty 인문·사회과학편 : SBS골프채널 이용자들의 채널 이용동기가 브랜드이미지, 채널충성도에 미치는 영향
최청락CheongRakChoi , 허철문ChulMooHeo
51(3) 229-239, 2012
Effects of Motivation for Using SBS` Golf Channel on Brand Image and Channel Royalty 인문·사회과학편 : SBS골프채널 이용자들의 채널 이용동기가 브랜드이미지, 채널충성도에 미치는 영향
최청락CheongRakChoi , 허철문ChulMooHeo
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of motivation for using sbs' golf channel on brand image and channel royalty. For this purpose, a survey was conducted 344 users of sbs' golf channel. The data were treated with the SPSS 15.0 and AMOS 7.0 program. As a result, the following conclusion were drawn. First, the study found significantly positive influences of search of information on brand images. And the user's sociality had significantly negative influence on brand image. Interpersonal relation had significantly negative influence on brand royalty. Second, brand image of sbs' golf channel had positive influence on brand royalty. These results were discussed based on previous literature and theory.
Key Words
Brand image, brand royalty, motivation for using, golf channel
Effect of Ski Resorts` Non-verbal Communication on Service Quality and Consuming Behavior 인문·사회과학편 : 스키리조트의 비언어적 커뮤니케이션이 서비스품질과 소비태도에 미치는 영향
남상백SangBackNam , 최영래YoungLaeChoi
51(3) 241-250, 2012
Effect of Ski Resorts` Non-verbal Communication on Service Quality and Consuming Behavior 인문·사회과학편 : 스키리조트의 비언어적 커뮤니케이션이 서비스품질과 소비태도에 미치는 영향
남상백SangBackNam , 최영래YoungLaeChoi
The purpose of this study is to identify the relationships among non-verbal communication, service quality, and consuming behavior. It was to set the practical service strategy for marketing plan of ski resorts. For this purpose, this study was conducted to 400 subjects visiting ski resorts and 305 samples were actually analyzed. The data were analyzed with frequency analysis, reliability test, CFA, correlation analysis, SEM analysis, and bootstrapping method by SPSSWIN Ver. 15.0 and AMOS 7.0. The statistical significance level was set at α<.05. Results are as follows: First, ski resort's non-verbal communication was found to have a significant influence on perceived service quality. Second, ski resort's non-verbal communication was found to have a significant influence on consuming behavior. Third, perceived service quality was found to have a significant influence on consuming behavior. Moreover, non-verbal communication has a direct effect on consuming behavior as well as indirect effect through service quality.
Key Words
Ski resort, non-verbal communication, service quality, consuming behavior
The Causal Model among Experience Value (4Es), Perceived Value, Image and Loyalty in Urban Beach Resort 인문·사회과학편 : 도시형 비치리조트의 경험가치(4Es), 지각된 가치, 이미지, 충성도 간의 가설적 인과모형
이혁기HyuckGiLee , 권기남KiNamKwon
51(3) 251-261, 2012
The Causal Model among Experience Value (4Es), Perceived Value, Image and Loyalty in Urban Beach Resort 인문·사회과학편 : 도시형 비치리조트의 경험가치(4Es), 지각된 가치, 이미지, 충성도 간의 가설적 인과모형
이혁기HyuckGiLee , 권기남KiNamKwon
The purpose of this study was to identify the casual model among experience value(4Es), perceived value, image and loyalty in urban beach resort. For this, this study selected S beach resort in A metropolitan city by the background of study. visitant who visited in urban beach resort, 327 samples were obtained as usable data by random sampling. In order to test, AMOS 18.0 program was used in this study for verifying research model. As a result, First, experience value(4Es) in urban beach resort had directly significantly image. Second, perceived value in urban beach resort had directly significantly effect on image. Third, experience value(4Es) in urban beach resort dose have just indirectly significantly loyalty. Fourth, perceived value in urban beach resort had directlyㆍindirectly significantly loyalty. Fifth, image in urban beach resort had directly significantly loyalty.
Key Words
Beach resort, water Park, theme park, experience value, perceived value, image, loyalty
Examination of Leisure Constraints and Leisure Constraints Negotiation Strategy for Non-participants in Leisure Activities 인문·사회과학편 : 여가활동 비참가자의 여가제약 유형과 여가제약 협상전략
이문진MunJinLee , 황선환SunHwanHwang
51(3) 263-272, 2012
Examination of Leisure Constraints and Leisure Constraints Negotiation Strategy for Non-participants in Leisure Activities 인문·사회과학편 : 여가활동 비참가자의 여가제약 유형과 여가제약 협상전략
이문진MunJinLee , 황선환SunHwanHwang
The objectives of this study were to analyse and categorize the leisure constraints of people who passively participate in leisure activities and to identify recreation constraints negotiation strategies according to each constraints. To achieve the purposes, 211 adults living in Seoul or Kyungki province who were non-participants in leisure activities were selected using purposeful sampling method. EFA and CFA were conducted to reveal the leisure constraints and K-mean cluster analysis was used to group the leisure constraints. One-way ANOVA was utilized to investigate leisure constraints negotiation strategies based on leisure constraints clusters. Firstly, according to these analyses, leisure constraints' sub-dimensions for the respondents were named as facility, condition, value awareness, company, burden, and family, among which condition factor and facility factor were relatively higher leisure constraints factor than the others. Secondly, the leisure constraints categorizations were high-constraints type, low-constraints type, facility constraints type, condition constraints type, and facility-condition constraints type. Finally, there were differences in leisure constraints negotiation strategy such as funding-time managing factor and effort to acquire leisure skills factor based on types of leisure constraints types.
There is a large body of literature that studies serious leisure participants in a wide range of activities. By comparison, casual leisure has received scant attention, bearing few empirical studies. And serious leisure is often cast in an superior role in comparison with casual leisure for optimally healthy or beneficial leisure. The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychological functioning of 'casual leisure-serious leisure'. Especially, we pay more attention to reveal the positive functioning of casual leisure. It draws findings from the data of 291 university students. The results are as follows. First, in comparison with 'casual leisure group', 'serious leisure group' was showed a higher significant increase in leisure related functioning(leisure satisfaction and leisure benefits such as physical health, relationship and self-controlibility). However, There is no significant inter-group differences in 'self-life functioning variables(positive․negative self-esteem, happiness, quality of life)'. It implies even though serious leisure has more relation to positive leisure experiences, people maintain and enhance their self-esteem and experience satisfaction and happiness of their entire lives through casual leisure participation as much as serious leisure.
An Examination of Model among Exercise Emotion, Flow and Continuous Behavior of Participate in Water-sports 인문·사회과학편 : 수상스포츠 참가자의 운동정서, 몰입 및 지속행동 간의 관계모형 검증
손승범SeungBumSon , 김보람BoRamKim
51(3) 285-294, 2012
An Examination of Model among Exercise Emotion, Flow and Continuous Behavior of Participate in Water-sports 인문·사회과학편 : 수상스포츠 참가자의 운동정서, 몰입 및 지속행동 간의 관계모형 검증
손승범SeungBumSon , 김보람BoRamKim
The purpose of this study is to examine the model indicated relationship among exercise emotion, flow and continuous behavior for helping strategy of population of warter-sports. To achieve its goal, this study targeted on participants in Seoul, Kangwon, Kyonggi province who visited the place of water-sports in Kyonggi province. Questionaries were distributed to 400 persons and 364 were used in actual analysis. As for statistical method for data processing, this research conducted frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling by using SPSS 18.0 and LISREL 8.3. The finding of this study were as follows. First, structure model of the study, which was set water-sports participant's exercise emotion, flow and continuous behavior relationship, was suitable. Second, a result of structural equation modeling showed that water-sports participant's exercise emotion affects flow highly. Also, flow affects continuous behavior highly, but exercise emotion does not affect continuous behavior.
Validation of the Flow State Scale for Regular Leisure Activity Undergraduate Students 인문·사회과학편 : 여가활동참여 대학생들의 몰입상태(flow state) 척도의 타당화
김우경WooKyungKim , 김용준EungJoonKim
51(3) 295-303, 2012
Validation of the Flow State Scale for Regular Leisure Activity Undergraduate Students 인문·사회과학편 : 여가활동참여 대학생들의 몰입상태(flow state) 척도의 타당화
김우경WooKyungKim , 김용준EungJoonKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the flow state questionnaire’s item goodness-of-fit in undergraduate students. To accomplish study purpose, complete enumeration survey and statistical analysis were conducted for 397 students enrolled K and W university. A research tool used in this study was an adapted the flow state scale for Koreans developed by Taejeung Lee (2003), which was originally from Jackson & Marsh (1996). Total 36 questions were used with 5 point Likert scale and high point stands for higher the flow state. Frequency analysis was conducted with SPSS 18.0. WINSTEPS 3.73(Linacre, 2011) was used for calculating item goodness-of-fit and subject reliability, scale propriety, item goodness-of-fit and item level of difficulty, and level of difficulty were calculated. Statistical analysis showed results as follows. First, it was reported to be suitable for subject reliability in the flow state as 1.01~1.02 and the flow state’s item reliability as 1.00~1.01. Second, 5 scale was suitable for scale propriety resulting from stage index judgment. Third, 15 questions showed problems in item goodness-of-fit and item level of difficulty. Finally, scale propriety was reported to be inappropriate for considering undergraduate students' ability distribution and scale level of difficulty.
Effects of Leisure Activities Participation on Leisure Attitudes and Benefits in Middle and High School Students 인문·사회과학편 : 중·고등학생들의 여가활동 참여가 여가태도 및 여가이득에 미치는 영향
김성훈SungHoonKim , 이현배HyunBaeLee , 이안수AnSuLee
51(3) 305-319, 2012
Effects of Leisure Activities Participation on Leisure Attitudes and Benefits in Middle and High School Students 인문·사회과학편 : 중·고등학생들의 여가활동 참여가 여가태도 및 여가이득에 미치는 영향
김성훈SungHoonKim , 이현배HyunBaeLee , 이안수AnSuLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of leisure activities participation on leisure attitudes and benefits in middle and high school students. The data were collected from 710(male: 352, female: 358) middle and high school students in A city, who were selected through convenience sampling method, using a questionnaire consisting of 45 questions on leisure participation, leisure attitudes and benefits. Data were analyzed using, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multivariate analysis of variance(MANOVA). As the result of research, First, there were positive correlation between the sub-factors of leisure attitudes and those of benefits. Second, there were statistically significant difference among the sub-factor of leisure attitudes according to the leisure activities participation types, the intensity, the period of leisure participation, and partners. Third, there were statistically significant differences among the sub-factors of leisure benefits according to the leisure activities participation types, and partners. Specifically, Leisure attitude and leisure benefits were higher when students continue to participate in the types of sport leisure activities with seniors or juniors.
Body Movement Awareness through Improvisational Experience among College Students Majoring in Acting and Dance 인문·사회과학편 : 연극-무용전공 대학생들의 즉흥체험을 통한 신체움직임 인식
51(3) 321-332, 2012
Body Movement Awareness through Improvisational Experience among College Students Majoring in Acting and Dance 인문·사회과학편 : 연극-무용전공 대학생들의 즉흥체험을 통한 신체움직임 인식
The purpose of the study was to investigate the body awareness experienced through improvisational movements among college students. Participants were 6 male and female students who major in acting and dance. Collected using in-depth interview and self-report, data were analyzed by inductive content analysis. The results indicated that the participants experienced positive thinking, perceived ability, flow, imagination, concentration, and self-confidence through various body movements. In addition, both bodily movement and expression through improvisational experiences contributed for the students to utilize their creative thinking and ability of body awareness. Findings were discussed with some educational aspects in relation with usefulness of bodily movement and the components of improvisational experiences perceived by acting and dance major students.
Key Words
Improvisation, body awareness, movement education, qualitative research
The Relationship between Anaerobic Power and Physical Fitness in Juvenile 자연과학편 : 유소년 사이클 선수들의 무산소성 파워와 체력 요인과의 관계
이중철JoongChulLee , 배종진JongJinBae , 이광규KwangKyuLee
51(3) 333-342, 2012
The Relationship between Anaerobic Power and Physical Fitness in Juvenile 자연과학편 : 유소년 사이클 선수들의 무산소성 파워와 체력 요인과의 관계
이중철JoongChulLee , 배종진JongJinBae , 이광규KwangKyuLee
The purpose of this study was to find out the correlation between anaerobic power and physical fitness in middle and high school cyclists. The subjects were 20 juvenile cyclists(male:10, female:10). Their body composition(height, weight, %fat, %LBM), aerobic capacity(VO2max, %AT), blood variables(lactic acid, lactate dehydrogenase; LDH, Ammonia), physical fitness(grip and back muscle strength, flexibility, balance, power, agility), wingate test(peak power, anaerobic capacity, fatigue index), isokinetic test(60°/sec, 180°/sec, 240°/sec) were tested. In order to analyze collected data, pearson product moment and multiple regression analysis were utilized. The statistical significances were accepted at .05 and .15 levels respectively. The result were summarized as follows: First, there was significant correlation between peak power and two factors(standing broad jump and trunk 60°/sec isokinetic test)(p<.01). Second, there was significant correlation between anaerobic capacity and four factors(standing broad jump, knee 60°/sec isokinetic test, endurance, trunk 60°/sec isokinetic test)(p<.15). Third, there was significant correlation between fatigue and lactic acid(p<.04). These results suggest that isokinetic exercise training in knee and lumber have to be trained for increased anaerobic power in juvenile cyclist.
Key Words
Wingate test, peak power, anaerobic capacity, fatigue index
The Effects of Heart Rate and Concentration of Electrolyte of High School Player during Exercise Based upon Different Beverage Intakes 자연과학편 : 고교축구선수의 경기 시 섭취음료에 따른 심박수 및 혈중 전해질농도에 미치는 영향
민병근ByungKeunMin , 최문기MunGiChoi , 김진홍JinHongKim
51(3) 343-352, 2012
The Effects of Heart Rate and Concentration of Electrolyte of High School Player during Exercise Based upon Different Beverage Intakes 자연과학편 : 고교축구선수의 경기 시 섭취음료에 따른 심박수 및 혈중 전해질농도에 미치는 영향
민병근ByungKeunMin , 최문기MunGiChoi , 김진홍JinHongKim
This study aims to identify how beverages improve sports performance and which beverages are contributory to speedy recovery of high school soccer players by analyzing electrolytic density levels changing over beverage intake during a play. The study subject covered eight players (n=8) who took part in a 90-minute full-time game excluding the goalkeeper and substitutes. The case study involved provision of sports beverages, magnesium beverages, and water in each game of the three over a period of three days on the actual game site, which was to compare changes of electrolytic density in blood upon beverage intake by time divided into three phases of before game and after the first half of the game, before and after game, and after the first half and the whole game. As for electrolytic density in blood, there were differences in the amounts of iron and sodium. As for sports beverages, iron contents were higher than magnesium contents after the first half than before the game. After the whole game, electrolytic contents in blood were high in the order of sports beverages, water, and magnesium beverages. Sodium contents were high in the order of magnesium beverages, sports beverages, and water after the whole game rather than before the game. Overall, sports beverages were found to be more contributory to speedier electrolytic recovery of players than magnesium beverages or water, which reveals that the results from the previous studies coincide with the result of this study that sports beverages are contributory to recovery of electrolytic density over time phases of a soccer game. Also, a soccer game takes 90 minute and the conditions such as physical capacity, environment, and game intensity may affect players' health and performance, which is largely dependent on electrolytic density or physiological balance. In order to minimize the game's impact on players' health and performance, it will be necessary to consistently research and develop sports beverages that contain complex and combined nutritions that are helpful to fast recovery of electrolytic balance in human bodies.
The Effects of Isocaloric High-fat Diet and Endurance Exercise on Insulin Resistance and Mitochondria Biogenesis 자연과학편 : Isocaloric high-fat diet와 지구성 운동이 인슐린 저항성과 미토콘드리아 생합성에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Isocaloric High-fat Diet and Endurance Exercise on Insulin Resistance and Mitochondria Biogenesis 자연과학편 : Isocaloric high-fat diet와 지구성 운동이 인슐린 저항성과 미토콘드리아 생합성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this research was to find effects of high fat diet and endurance exercise on mitochondria biosynthesis and insulin resistance in male Wister rat. Th rats were randomly separated into 4 groups: A, Isocaloric high fat diet group (50% of calories from fat), B. Chow group, C. Isocaloric high fat diet with endurance exercise (treadmill running, slop 8%, 23 m/min, 120 min/day, 5 days per week), D. Chow group with endurance exercise. Both Isocaloric high fat diet group and chow group were given an equal caloric composition with 3.2kcal/g. equal amount of food were checked every day and given to both groups. 4 weeks of high fat diet did not show any change in body weight and amount of body fat. Further the level of glucose and insulin in blood, and insulin-stimuilated glucose transport rate in epitrochlearis muscle was not affected by Isocaloric high fat diet. However, the endurance exercise showed statistically significant change in the level of insulin in blood. Although either Isocaloric high fat diet or endurance exercise alone did not change on mitochondria biogenesis marker, Isocaloric high fat diet with endurance exercise could induce the increased level of marker (p<0.05). Also, plasma free fatty acids were increased in this group. From this investigation, Isocaloric high fat diet with moderate-intensity endurance exercise is effective way to induce mitochondrial biogenesis.
Key Words
Mitochondria biogenesis, isocaloric high fat diet, endurance exercise, insulin resistance
Effect of Treadmill Exercise on Modulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression in the Retina of Diabetic Rats 자연과학편 : 당뇨유발 흰쥐에서 트레드밀 운동이 망막의 혈관내피성장인자 발현에 미치는 영향
Effect of Treadmill Exercise on Modulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression in the Retina of Diabetic Rats 자연과학편 : 당뇨유발 흰쥐에서 트레드밀 운동이 망막의 혈관내피성장인자 발현에 미치는 영향
One of the major ocular complications of diabetes mellitus(DM) is retinopathy, which is characterized by increased neovascularization and neural degeneration in the retina. In the present study, we investigated the effects of treadmill exercise on retinopathy in the rats with DM. Thirty-two male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups(n = 8 in each group): control group, exercise group, DM-induction group, and DM-induction and exercise group. DM was induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. The rats in the exercise groups were made to run on the treadmill for 30 min five times per a week, during 12 weeks. The expressions of phosphoinositide 3-kinase(PI3K), phospho-protein kinase B(pAkt), hypoxia inducible factor-1α(HIF-1α), and vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) in the retina were determined using western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry. In the present results, the expressions of PI3K, pAkt, HIF-1α, and VEGF in the retina of the diabetic rats were increased. Treadmill exercise suppressed HIF-1α and VEGF expressions through inhibition of PI3K/pAkt pathway in the diabetic rats. These results suggest that treadmill exercise may ameliorate the progression of diabetes-induced retinopathy by inhibiting neovascularization in the retina.
The purpose of this study is to predict O2max with body index and submaximal metabolic responses. The subjects are consisted of 250 male aging from 18 to 34 and we separated them into two groups randomly; 179 for a sample, 71 for a cross-validation group. They went through maximal exercise testing with Bruce protocol, and we measured the metabolic responses in the end of the first(3 minute) and second stage(6 minute). To predict O2max, we applied multiple regression analysis to the sample with stepwise method. Model 1’s variables are weight, 6 minute HR and 6 minute O2(R=0.64, SEE=4.74, CV=11.7%, p<.01), and the equation is VO2max(ml/kg/min)= 72.256-0.340(Weight)-0.220(6minHR)+0.013(6minVO2). Model 2’s variables are weight, 6 minute HR, 6 minute O2, and 6 minute CO2(R=0.67, SEE=4.59, CV=11.3%, p<.01), and the equation is VO2max(ml/kg/min)= 68.699-0.277(Weight) -0.206(6minHR)+0.020(6minVO2)-0.009(6minVCO2). And the result did not show multicolinearity for both models. Model 2 demonstrated more correlation compared to Model 1. However, when we conducted cross-validation of those models with 71 men, measured VO2max and estimated VO2 Max had statistical significance with correlation (R=0.53, 0.56, P<.01). Although both models are functional with validity considering their simplicity and utility, Model 2 has more accuracy.
Key Words
Prediction of VO2max, multiple regression analysis, submaximal exercise
Kinematic Characteristics of Drag Flick Motion According to Skill Level in Field Hockey 자연과학편 : 하키 기술수준에 따른 드래그 플릭 동작의 운동학적 특성
김호묵HoMookKim , 이광수GwangSooLee , 우상연SangYeonWoo
51(3) 383-392, 2012
Kinematic Characteristics of Drag Flick Motion According to Skill Level in Field Hockey 자연과학편 : 하키 기술수준에 따른 드래그 플릭 동작의 운동학적 특성
김호묵HoMookKim , 이광수GwangSooLee , 우상연SangYeonWoo
The purposes of this study were to compare and analyze drag flick motion according to skill level in field hockey. In this study, eight middle school players, six high school players, eight university players and six national players participated in this study. The 3D kinematic data were collected for each subject performing the drag flick shooting. The results of the study were as follows: 1) national and high school players had longer phase time at follow throw than in middle school and university players; 2) the center of gravity of national and high school players was moved to be more forward(Y-axis) and less downward(Z-axis) than in middle school and university players; 3) the drag distance of national and high school players was shown to be longer than in middle school and university players; 4) national and high school players had smaller knee angle and pelvis rotation angle than in middle school and university players; 5) the velocity of center of gravity for national and high school players was shown to be faster than in middle school and high school players; 6) the ball velocity and stick head velocity of national players were shown to be faster than those of the others; 7) national and high school players had smaller pelvis and shoulder angular velocity than in university players.
Key Words
Field hockey, drag flick, kinematic, skill level
The Study on Web Accessibility Comparative Evaluation Analysis of the Ocean Sports for the Korea Sports Association for the Disabled 자연과학편 : 대한장애인체육회의 해양스포츠 관련 웹접근성 비교ㆍ평가 분석
이건철GunChurLee , 양재철JeaChoulYang , 최희연HeeYeonChoi
51(3) 393-403, 2012
The Study on Web Accessibility Comparative Evaluation Analysis of the Ocean Sports for the Korea Sports Association for the Disabled 자연과학편 : 대한장애인체육회의 해양스포츠 관련 웹접근성 비교ㆍ평가 분석
이건철GunChurLee , 양재철JeaChoulYang , 최희연HeeYeonChoi
The purpose of this study was to web accessibility comparative evaluation analysis of the ocean sports for the Korea Sports Association for the Disabled. In order to explain this, based on KADO-WAH 3.0 and KWCAG 1.0, it offered National Information Society Agency(NIA). we investigated the web content accessibility of disabled 3 web site of Korea Sports Association for the Disabled. We evaluated web accessibility by Korea Disabled Swimming Federation, Korea Disabled Yacht Federation, Korea Adaptive Rowing Association. The results of our analysis are as followings: In the section of Perceivable evaluation, the ocean sports for the people with disabilities(OSD) web sites overfull use non-text contents such as images, etc., and do not provide suitable alternatives contents for non-text contents such as keyboard, etc., In the section of Operable evaluation, the OSD web sites do not provide suitable alternative for using site map technologies, In the section of Understanding evaluation, the OLSD web sites are moderated to provide summary, title and title information, remaining a lower level for guaranteeing the web accessibility, but In the section of Robust evaluation, the OSD web sites have multifarious of web application. So the web contents’ web accessibility application must be considered to solve such problems and publicize the OSD web sites of the people with disabilities.
Key Words
Web accessibility evaluation, web sites, the ocean sport, Korea Sports Association for the Disabled
Item Goodness-of-fit of the Sports for All Business of Persons with Disabilities Satisfaction Scale: An Application of Many-Facet Rasch Model 자연과학편 : 장애인 생활체육지원사업 참여만족도 척도의 문항 양호도: Many-Facet Rasch 모형의 적용
Item Goodness-of-fit of the Sports for All Business of Persons with Disabilities Satisfaction Scale: An Application of Many-Facet Rasch Model 자연과학편 : 장애인 생활체육지원사업 참여만족도 척도의 문항 양호도: Many-Facet Rasch 모형의 적용
The objective of this study is to test the goodness-of-fit of the scale items that represents satisfaction levels about sports for all business of persons with disabilities by using Many-Facet Rasch Model. The data and the specimen are from the responses of those who took part in sports for all business of Korea Sports Association for the Disabled (KOSAD) in the year 2011; the analyzed data include only 895 out of 1,178 respondents because they have no missing values. An assumption to test Rash Model, which is satisfaction of unidimensionality and local independence, is analyzed by SPSS 18.0 program, and Facets 3.67 program is used to test the goodness-of-fit of items. As a result of analysis, 16 items about satisfaction level turns out to fulfill the unidimensionality and the local independence. Second, the items 4 appears to be inappropriate. Third, there is a little difference in the responses of each item, based on the age and the types of disability. Fourth, it needs to develop more difficult level of items which can identify a respondent who is strongly aware of satisfaction. Fifth, it turns out that the current 5-point response categories are inappropriate and 3-point response categories are the most appropriate one.
Key Words
Sports for all business, persons with disabilities, satisfaction level, item goodness-of-fit, many-facet Rasch model
Analysis on the Relative Importance and Priority in the Demand Factors for Support System of Elite Sports for Athletes with Disability 자연과학편 : 장애인 전문체육 지원체계에 대한 욕구 요인의 상대적 중요도와 우선순위 분석
김지태JiTaeKim , 김영준YoungJunKim
51(3) 417-426, 2012
Analysis on the Relative Importance and Priority in the Demand Factors for Support System of Elite Sports for Athletes with Disability 자연과학편 : 장애인 전문체육 지원체계에 대한 욕구 요인의 상대적 중요도와 우선순위 분석
김지태JiTaeKim , 김영준YoungJunKim
The purpose of this study was to analysis the order of priority on the degrees of relative importance of the demand factors for the specialized physical training support system required by the athletes with disabilities. In order to achieve the purpose, this study was performed using the three different procedures of the first stage of exploring the demand factors, the second stage of confirming whether relative importance was perceived or not third stage of determining the order of priority among the degrees of importance. Among them, this study focused to the method and result of the third stage. The participants of this study was 48 athletes with disabilities registered in 2011. As a statistical analysis method, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to decide the order of priority on the top-ranking eight demand factors and their respective sub-factors for the support system introduced using the Expert Choice 2000. As a result of analysis of the priority among the degrees of importance for the eight top-ranking factors, the top priority was given to improvement of the pension and reward system, and the order of priority for the rest was the publicity on sports activities of athletes with disabilities, improvement of sports facilities, improvement of selecting system for the national team members, reinforced support for sport associations, cultivation of professional manpower and sharing of information, cultivation of and support for dedicated coaches and, lastly, improvement of training system.
Key Words
Elite sports for athletes with disabilities, support system, relative importance, priority, AHP
The Current Statues and Cause of Dietary Supplement Use in Elite Athletes 자연과학편 : 우수선수들의 운동영양 보조물 이용 현황과 원인
김종규JongKyuKim , 이남주NamJuLee , 이미숙MiSookLee
51(3) 427-435, 2012
The Current Statues and Cause of Dietary Supplement Use in Elite Athletes 자연과학편 : 우수선수들의 운동영양 보조물 이용 현황과 원인
김종규JongKyuKim , 이남주NamJuLee , 이미숙MiSookLee
The purpose of this review study is to examine current status of dietary supplement use to enhance athletic performance capacity in elite athletes based upon anti-doping education, sports type, athletic performance capacity, gender, and age. Several previous review studies have focused on the biochemistry characteristics and intake incidence of dietary supplements and those studies have not showed enough evidence of the reason why elite athletes usually take dietary supplements. Anti-doping education may increase the incidence of dietary supplement use in elite athletes because of increasing expertise of dietary supplements. It would be expected that increased incidence of long-term dietary supplement use may induce positive effects on the body having potential effects on athletic performance capacity, although a trace of nutrients may not directly effect on the outcome of the game. Moreover, it seems that the difference of dietary supplement use based upon gender and age may come from sports type and the difference of dietary supplement intake reason may come from health and body condition maintenance rather than athletic performance capacity when considering dietary supplement use items based upon intake reasons. Most elite athletes consume at least over 2 dietary supplement items in a long period of time rather than 1 dietary supplement item in a short period of time; however, the scientific evidence of dietary supplement use seems to be insufficient. Therefore, further experimental approach studies concerning dietary supplement effects would be needed.
Effects of Aerobic Exercise upon Cytosolic GAPHD and Mitochondrial MnSOD Activity of Pancreatic Cells in the Type 1 Diabetic Rats 자연과학편 : 유산소운동이 제1형 당뇨쥐의 췌장 세포질 GAPHD 및 미토콘드리아 MnSOD 활성에 미치는 영향
이상학SangHakLee , 윤진환JinHwanYoon
51(3) 437-445, 2012
Effects of Aerobic Exercise upon Cytosolic GAPHD and Mitochondrial MnSOD Activity of Pancreatic Cells in the Type 1 Diabetic Rats 자연과학편 : 유산소운동이 제1형 당뇨쥐의 췌장 세포질 GAPHD 및 미토콘드리아 MnSOD 활성에 미치는 영향
이상학SangHakLee , 윤진환JinHwanYoon
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) has been hypothesized as a mediator in the activation of multiple pathways implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic disease. The objective of this study was to understand the mechanism that aerobic exercise activate GAPDH and MnSOD in pancreatic cells. To achieve the purpose of this study, thirty male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to control group, diabetic group and diabetic exercise group. 10 rats were forced to exercise according to exercise protocol for 8weeks and 20 rats were untrained for control and diabetic group. Pancreatic tissue were extracted from the each. Expressions of GAPDH and MnSOD in diabetic pancreatic tissues were significantly decreased compare to control group. However, swimming (trained diabetic group) significantly increased expressions of GAPDH and MnSOD compare to diabetic group, respectively. In hyperglycemia, GAPDH and MnSOD in pancreatic cells is activated by aerobic exercise, and this inactivates multiple pathways implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic disease. In conclusion, these findings suggest that increased activity of GAPDH and MnSOD by exercise have beneficial effects on mitochondrial dysfunction and arresting the progression of diabetic disease.